EPRI Europe
EPRI Europe, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, was founded in 2019 as a non-profit organisation to conduct objective and independent energy and environmental research, development and demonstration projects, for the benefit of the public. EPRI Europe aims to enhance the quality of life by making energy safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable. EPRI Europe participates in the European Union's Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe collaborative programme as well as other research projects with European governments, organisations, and stakeholders.
EPRI Europe is the European research arm of EPRI, a world-recognised non-profit RD&D membership organization with global reach. EPRI Europe shares EPRI’s focus on electricity generation, delivery, and use, providing technology, policy and economic analyses to drive long-range research and development planning.
How Do You Use Energy at Home? Survey Seeks Insights for Next-Gen Solutions
Dublin, Ireland (March 6, 2025):
The EU-DREAM project, a European project dedicated to pioneering next-generation energy services, solutions, and products that genuinely benefit consumers, is launching a survey to explore consumer nee