(Advanced Grid Interfaces for innovative STorage INtegration)
Industrial grid users, grid operators, renewable developers, and storage manufacturers face challenges with too much pressure on grid connection and reinforcement with the integration of new renewables. There are also challenges with doing so economically in comparison to previous integration through dc coupling. There is a need for more support in the grid in low-inertia operating grids as well as reducing the curtailment of renewables in the EU.
The objective of AGISITIN is to develop grid integration architectures for energy storage. Energy storage has been highlighted as a key resource that is needed to orchestrate and integrate industrial processes and large-scale renewables. Advanced storage integration methods are needed to resolve issues for grid users and operators.
AGISTIN proposes to develop grid integration architectures for energy storage with on-site renewables and emerging dc end uses. This follows the dc coupling approach considered in current PV + storage hybrids, extending it to include end use, grid users, and system integrators. As a result of power electronics and ac-dc grid solutions, AGISTIN enables better resilience of the energy system; new technologies to control the system; more flexibility; solutions to short-duration energy storage; participation by industrial grid users; and efficient solutions for the transportation and transformation of energy.
EPRI Europe participation
EPRI Europe is the coordinator of the project (leading WP1) and also leading the WP7, the communication and dissemination.
EPRI related programs

Funding Programme
Grant Agreement