(Interoperability Network for the Energy Transition)
The need for various stakeholders to ensure running electricity as well as incorporate DERs and enhance their efficiency, poses a huge challenge across Europe.
The objective of int:net is to develop a framework for interoperability testing for ongoing projects and harmonise the test procedures. It aims to bring together researchers, policymakers, and framework setters to achieve and monitor any changes required in testing procedures. It will also push for improved cooperation between energy services to ensure synchronisation between providers.
EPRI's ICT Programme has previously addressed the challenges associated with interoperability as "Accelerating the industry’s migration towards interoperability with technical contributions to standards, providing training, developing reference implementations, organising interoperability tests, and collaborating with utilities to demonstrate and apply emerging standards in EPRI’s laboratory and in field deployments“.
The int:net project aims to institutionalize an interoperability maturity model (IMM). The involvement of legal and regulatory bodies from the beginning ensures that compliance and governance considerations are addressed. The project maintains constant communication with interoperability initiatives and standardisation bodies to foster consensus and collaboration. The int:net community aims to establish a sustainable network that extends beyond the project's lifespan, offering a comprehensive knowledge platform and organising engaging events to guide stakeholders in navigating the complex interoperability landscape of energy services.
EPRI Europe participation
With int:net, EPRI Europe is leading WP2, which is dealing with the definition of an Interoperability Maturity Model (IMM). EPRI Europe is also involved in promoting the adoption of the IMM within utilities.
EPRI related programs

Funding Programme
Grant Agreement